Research grant to support study of Amicus Briefs
Anna Dolidze
Western Law professor Anna Dolidze has been awarded a $15,850 Seed Grant from Western’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Board to study the role and influence of Amicus Curiae briefs at international tribunals.
Dolidze was one of only 10 faculty at Western University to receive an award in this semi-annual competition. “Amicus curiae, or friend of the court intervention, has become an important tool for interest groups for taking part in international dispute resolution proceedings and for potentially influencing international law making,” said Dolidze.
Interest groups, such as the Foreign Trade Association, Consumer Industries Trade Action Coalition and Greenpeace, routinely submit amicus curiae briefs before international tribunals.
In the recent “Seal” case in which the World Trade Organization panel upheld the European Union’s ban on the importation of seal products from Canada, 23 amicus curiae briefs were submitted, including briefs by the Brigitte Bardot Foundation and by the actor Jude Law on behalf of the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) U.K.
“I hope I can identify patterns and gauge civil society organizations’ influence in order to understand the role these organizations play in the development of international law,” she said. Dolidze says this phenomenon has been largely overlooked in both international relations and international law scholarship.
At this stage, Dolidze will create a pilot study of amicus curiae participation in two international tribunals, the World Trade Organization and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
This article appeared in the Western Law 2014 Alumni Magazine.

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