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Interdisciplinary perspectives shared at graduate student conference

Graduate students from across Canada, the U.S. and the Philippines presented papers and engaged in lively debate and discussion for Western Law’s interdisciplinary graduate student conference “Law: Stagnation, Evolution or Revolution?”. Western Law PhD candidates Jenny Poon and Kirsten Stefanik organized the conference, held May 18-19, which discussed the role the law plays in differing areas of society.

“I found the research conference inspirational and energizing; there were so many great ideas and interesting research projects,” said Stefanik. “I can’t wait to dive back into my own research.”

The students explored a wide variety of topics, including how the law is reflecting the changing nature of policing, armed conflict, the Charter and privacy in a digital age and how to protect transgender and gender non-conforming people in schools.

A selection of papers from the conference will be published in a dedicated conference issue of the Western Journal of Legal Studies this fall.

The two-day conference was capped off by closing remarks from professor Sam Trosow, who encouraged students to be confident in their research and continue to engage in interdisciplinary dialogue.

“We congratulate our graduate students for taking the initiative to organize this conference, which created an important forum for graduate students to share on a variety of law-related topics,” says Valerie Oosterveld, Associate Dean of Research. “This wide-ranging approach to the impact and application of law benefits academics and practitioners alike.”

This article appeared in the Western Law 2017 Alumni Magazine.
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