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New Fellowships support faculty research

New Fellowships support faculty research

Professors Kate Glover and Jacob Shelley are the recipients of the inaugural Western Law Dean’s Research Fellowships.

The Fellowships, valued at $10,000 each, were established by Dean Erika Chamberlain to enhance the faculty’s research program.

The fellowship opportunity is intended to support and strengthen scholarly research by offering significant financial assistance to researchers at any stage of career and in any area of research related to law. At least one Fellowship per year will be reserved for a pre-tenure faculty member.

“I’m proud to be making this new investment in faculty research,” said Dean Chamberlain. “It will help faculty to expand their research programs and will also help to engage students in the research enterprise.”

Glover will undertake research on the constitutional character of the administrative state in Canada, and the implications of that character for legislative actors, Indigenous governments, administrative decision-makers, and the courts.

Shelley will pursue research on the link between municipal law and public health. The Fellowship funding will contribute to his research on healthy cities as critical partners in the fight against chronic illnesses.

This article appeared in the Western Law 2018 Alumni Magazine.
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