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Student awards honours former academic mentors

Four awards generously established by Henry Ka-Shi Ho, JD’77, honour the achievements of three of his professors and a former Dean.

“My life in Canada and in Hong Kong, have led me to realize the exceptional high academic excellence of the Western Law Faculty, which deserves our respect,” said Ho.

The David L. Johnston Award in Corporate Law was established by a generous gift from Ho in honour of David L. Johnston, Dean of Western’s Faculty of Law from 1974-1979.

It is awarded annually to a full-time student completing first year in the Faculty of Law, who has attained the highest standing in Corporate Law.

In previous years Ho has also established the following awards:

Peter Barton Award in Civil Procedure, a $1,500 award in honour of Peter G. Barton, Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Law. Awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student in Year 2 or 3, who has achieved the highest academic standing in the Civil Procedure course.

Gregory Brandt Award in Constitution Law, a $1,500 award was established in honour of Gregory Brandt, Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Law. Awarded annually to a full-time student completing first year who has attained the highest standing in Constitutional Law.

Albert Oosterhoff Award in Property, a $1,500 award was established in honour of Albert Oosterhoff, Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Law. Awarded annually to a full-time student completing first year who has attained the highest standing in Property Law.

This article appeared in the Western Law 2018 Alumni Magazine.
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