A new multi-million dollar partnership in local medical imaging technology will bring state-of-the-art research equipment to Robarts and allow research findings to be brought to patient bedsides more rapidly and readily than ever before.
A new multi-million dollar partnership in local medical imaging technology will bring state-of-the-art research equipment to Robarts and allow research findings to be brought to patient bedsides more rapidly and readily than ever before.
In the past few months, the tireless efforts of a number of Robarts scientists and collaborators have paid off in helping them secure millions in funding.
The McClatchies feel hopeful about the future of health care and research knowing that their named fund is supporting research focused on cancer, ALS and other disease areas at Robarts.
Dr. Martinez-Trujillo is leading a team of researchers to find solutions to the core symptoms of autism and cognitive dysfunctions such as Attention Deficit Disorder and memory disorders.
With support of a $2.1 million grant, Dr. Lena Palaniyappan will work with partners to establish a network of research centres focused on personalized medicine for mental disorders.
Trainee mentorship is a core value at Robarts. With more than 200 learners and fellows working in the labs, the Institute is grooming young scientists to be future leaders in fields of scientific inquiry.
What's being described as the Holy Grail for cancer detection is now in the early research stages, read about this and more including special honours for scientists and the practice of lipid managing in clinical medicine.
For as long as Megan Roussy can remember she was curious about how the brain works. The PhD Candidate is channeling her curiosity into research to better understand dysfunctions of working memory.
Interested in concussion research, national policy development and learning more about the role media plays in concussion awareness? Join us on August 15 for See the Line. Register early, as this event sells out every year.
Join us on November 12 for the 2019 Taylor Symposium. Presentations and a panel discussion - including Robarts scientists Murray Huff, PhD, and Drs. Rob Hegele and Geoffrey Pickering, along with nationally and internationally recognized clinicians and researchers will feature the latest research and clinical advances for the treatment and management of cardiovascular disease. Register today.