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Neyers honoured with faculty scholar award

Jason Neyers

Professor Jason Neyers has been named Western Law’s Faculty Scholar for the 2015-16 and 2016-17 academic periods. This campus-wide award recognizes significant achievements in teaching or research.

“Jason is an esteemed colleague, committed to excellence in his own research and supportive of the relevant research activities of his colleagues both at Western and abroad,” says Dean Iain Scott. “This is a very well-deserved recognition.” Neyers will receive $7,000 each year for scholarly activities. Neyers’ scholarship has made critical contributions to understanding the rights-based approach as a comprehensive and unified theory of tort law.

He is the co-author of one of Canada’s leading texts on tort law, The Law of Torts in Canada and a co-editor of nine books on private law, including Tort Law: Challenging Orthodoxy (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2013).

A past recipient of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers Scholarly Paper Award, his work has also been cited by the Supreme Court of Canada, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom and the High Court of Australia and numerous other appellate courts in Canada and beyond.

In 2009 he was awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Standard Research Grant of $78,261 to investigate how the economic torts might be explained from a rights-based perspective.

This article appeared in the Western Law 2015 Alumni Magazine.
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