August 2017
Western In The News is an e-Newsletter that highlights stories with a Western focus that received significant media coverage. This service is provided by Western's media relations team.
Western researchers Joanna Konopka and Danny Poinapen's new, non-invasive way to examine the life-cycles of live insects using micro-CT scanning was featured by The Daily Mail and Radio Canada International. The Daily Mail also featured research on fruit flies from Anne Simon which found that dopamine is a key component in regulating social space – which could have implications in understanding autism and schizophrenia.
Daily Mail
| Radio Canada International
| Daily Mail
Western’s Michael Haan and Roderic Beaujot provided comment and context on new demographic census data released in August. Coverage appeared in the Globe and Mail and a Canadian Press article was featured in outlets across Canada including the St. John’s Telegram and Global News.
The Globe and Mail
| St. John's Telegram
| Global News
A new program offering free room and board for a small group of Western music students at a London retirement home in exchange for spending a dozen hours a week with their elderly neighbours, received attention in London and beyond with coverage from CBC, National Post and the Toronto Star.
| National Post
| Toronto Star
Western experts are in regular demand to share their knowledge and insights on events taking place in the United States. History professor Francine McKenzie provided a look back at trade negotiations between Canada and the U.S. to the Toronto Star and Political Science professor Don Abelson talked to CBC about the new American policy on Afghanistan.
Toronto Star
Additional Coverage