Western In The News is an e-Newsletter that highlights stories with a Western focus that received significant media coverage. This service is provided by Western's media relations team.
Western's International Centre for Olympic Studies provided expert commentary to dozens of media outlets across Canada and around the world leading up to and during the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic Winter Games. Coverage appeared in the Los Angeles Times, The Current, Global News and The New York Times.
Research co-authored at Western's Bone and Joint Institute showed a correlation between the length of firefighters' careers and the chances of suffering from persistent neck, back and limb pain. Stories were written by Global News, Radio Canada International and The Hamilton Spectator.
Western criminology professor Michael Arntfield continued to serve as a resource for both national and international media covering the high-profile Bruce McArthur serial killer investigation in Toronto. Coverage appeared in The Washington Post, The Independent (UK), The Globe and Mail and CBC News.
Faculty from Western's Department of Political Science provided expert analysis on the dynamic nature of Ontario provincial politics as well as a story on the Toronto connection to the Italian election. Coverage included CBC News, Toronto Star, CTV News and National Post.